Picture above of the Roe v Wade Memorial at Clark County Courthouse January 2020
On June 24, 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and returned the regulation of abortion to the states (as it was before 1973). See "After Roe" for today's decision.
Today as well as yesterday and tomorrow our CCRTL educational message remains the same:
Pregnant? You are not alone. Another heart is beating close to your heart (watch beautiful 6 minute video HERE) and there are many hearts in the community ready and willing to provide support during and after pregnancy so that you and your baby can live and thrive. See HERE.
Many states have taken this opportunity to pass laws restricting abortion...and a few even banning abortion except to save the mother's life. Washington in 1991 removed legal protection from the newly conceived human individual throughout the nine months of pregnancy. That is the current law.
A woman's right to choose? Read the testimonies of women who regret their legal abortions HERE.
Jan 17 Friday Remembrance of Victims of Abortion, 1-2pm in front of Clark County Courthouse in public right of way. Family friendly event. We will provide signs or bring your own (CCRTL event does not include graphic abortion signs). More info HERE
Upcoming Events
Project Rachel sponsors post-abortion healing retreats. Rachel's Vineyard Retreats in Western Washington Feb 28-March 2 in English and May 2-4 in Spanish. For more info about their healing retreats or ministry call Frances at (206) 920-6413 (English) or Alejandra at (206) 450-7814 (Spanish). More info HERE A Catholic ministry open to all faiths...and to men as well as women.
Clark County Right to Life is non-partisan and non-sectarian. We welcome anyone who shares our conviction that every human being has a God-given inalienable right to life which should be respected in fact, supported in need and protected by law from conception until natural death.