Clark County Right to Life

supports the 40 Days for Life campaigns in east Vancouver

Protect Life Youth Crusaders (and their parents) from St. James Church join in prayer at the vigil site in 2019.

We pray, fast and offer life-affirming alternatives to abortion from the public right of way on either side of NE 116th Ave. one block north of Mill Plain where the PP abortion center is located.

Fall 2024 Campaign starts Sept. 25 (Wed.) & ends Nov. 3 (Sun.) 

Spring 2025 Campaign starts  March 5 (Wed.) & ends April 13 (Sun.)

Vancouver WA local campaign webpage HERE

Everyone who participates in the public prayer vigil part of this campaign will be asked to sign the Statement of Peace .

Local coordinator Gerry Parmantier, RN retired. Call/text 360-831-7542 or email

24, 853 lives saved world-wide (and these are just the ones we know about) since 2007. Abortion centers closed  155. Abortion workers quit 263.

First Vancouver campaign in 2009 saw a couple change their plan to abort their baby when they saw our volunteers praying on the sidewalk. "My girlfriend and I have decided to give our baby up for adoption."

Hearts broken by abortion begin to hope and heal. In 2017 a lady told us about her abortion over 20 years ago. Our response: “We grieve for your loss.” She said: “No one has ever said that to me before.” We prayed with her asking our heavenly Father to forgive and heal us. Then she thanked us for praying for her baby (we had never mentioned her baby) and took our packet of literature with post-abortion healing information inside.

We rely heavily on the prayers and sacrifices offered by many at home, work and school. Our at-home prayer warriors may benefit from the prayer resources found at


Letter to Editor of Vancouver Columbian submitted Nov. 30, 2023

"Twice a year 40 Days for Life ( has a local campaign of prayer, fasting and community outreach in the public right of way outside the Vancouver Planned Parenthood office which does RU 486 abortions and refers for surgical abortions. Our signs express our message: Get support, Don’t abort, 1-800-848-LOVE; Local pregnancy resources; Women regret abortion; Men regret lost fatherhood; Ask me about healing after abortion. We offer packets of local pregnancy resources to customers and passersby. Since beginning in 2007 in Texas this now worldwide campaign has witnessed 23, 525 lives saved (and these are just the ones we know of.).

      Public reaction is generally “Thanks for being here” with a sprinkling of “F…you”. Occasionally counter protestors show up, usually standing a distance away from us with their “Donate Planned Parenthood” signs. Our last campaign (Sept 27-Nov 5) saw several days when pro-aborts got “up close and personal “using their bodies, their umbrellas and their signs to block our signs from public view. While they displayed an “antifa” flag and some wore black masks, they acted like the “thought police” in Orwell’s novel 1984…afraid that someone might reconsider their abortion “decision”…present, past or future…and get support instead of abort."

 Gerry Parmantier, RN (ret.), 40 Days for Life local leader

RIP Jerry Ross who passed away in June 2021. He led the first local campaign in 2009, encouraging participation with the phrase "Let's save some babies for Jesus". His obituary HERE.

RIP Father Ron Wasowski, CSC, who passed away in December 2016. He taught environmental science at the University of Portland. He was a faithful supporter of 40 Days for Life speaking at many closing ceremonies. And he spoke up for life at the University of Portland. His obituary HERE. His student newspaper article HERE