Clark County Right to Life

 from conception until natural death

The images above and below are taken from the Endowment for Human  Development ... Improving lifelong health, one pregnancy at a time.  We are grateful to EHD to be able to share this with you. 

See & hear baby's heart beating inside womb 


Ver Bebe dentro utero de madre


<iframe src="" width="330" height="407" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"><a href="">Play Movie</a></iframe>

A Voice for Life from conception....

what you need to know about  abortion HERE 

what you need to know about alternatives to abortion HERE.

A Voice for Life until natural death... 
We also educate the public about the humanity of the terminally ill and life-affirming alternatives to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.  HERE.
In 2008 our state legalized physician-assisted suicide, thus violating the healing role of physicians and excluding an entire class of persons, those judged terminally ill, from legal protections given to all other citizens who request medical help to kill themselves. Read the first state report (2010) HERE. 
Clark County Right to Life is the local chapter of Human Life of Washington State which is affiliated with the National Right to Life Committee. We are all volunteers and our Board of Directors meets on the second Tuesday (6:30-7:45 PM) of every other month beginning with January. We are a non-profit 501 (c) 4.
Our two main events of the year are the Remembrance of Abortion Victims in January and the Clark County Fair exhibit in August. We send a newsletter to over 1000 local address to advertise both events and recruit volunteers and raise funds for our Pregnant? You are not alone billboards.


CCRTL is an educational and advocacy organization, non-sectarian, non-partisan and non-profit 501 (c) 4. Our all-volunteer group welcomes anyone who shares our conviction that every human being has a God-given inalienable right to life which should be protected by law and respected in fact from conception until natural death.

CCRTL educates the public about the humanity of the unborn child, the inhumanity of abortion and local life-affirming resources to assist parents in caring for their children before and after birth.

CCRTL educates the public about the humanity of the elderly, infirm and ill, the inhumanity of assisted suicide and euthanasia and local life-affirming resources to assist families and caregivers in caring for their suffering loved ones and patients.

CCRTL's goal: Every human life from conception until natural death respected in fact, supported in need and protected by law.

We are a chapter of Human Life of Washington and we follow their Policy of Peace. Human Life of Washington is affiliated with the National Right to Life Committee